Of Paradoxes and Kings and Otherwise Doom Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
So, now you sort of know who and what I am. That's not really the point of this whole story. And you don't know anything as it is, I hate to say it. I'm used to it. This is the beginning, and you know only what I tell you. You can sit there and pretend you're interested in everything I have to say. And who's to say that in a few weeks you won't be interested?

Danae is my best friend in the universe-- and that, in my case, is remarkably correct. Not figurative whatsoever, actually. Yes, I admit it. If I were in literature, I would be called a Mary-Sue, most likely, if merely for the sake of everything I've done. I don't care. This is reality, after all, and who's going to ever read this?

You're probably wondering by now exactly why I was staring out of my window at the rain drops. Beyond the fact that they made cool silvery trails from moonlight that glistened in the beams that shot out from cracks in the clouds and let in just a slight touch of starlight. Perhaps, sometime, I would actually see the moon. But I love rain. Yes, I was staring because it was enjoyable to see little traces of wraithly liquid that made unearthly points of beauty on my crystal window. Besides, I had nothing else to do.

I hate phones with a passion. They're machines made merely to serve as an interface between human to human-- in some cases, not always humans. True, when you have a friend beyond walking distance (such as Jey, as we called her for short), then there's a purpose to phones. I believe, though, they merely serve as shortcuts and a cheater's way to communicate with another when face to face is more effective. To use a phone is so much the coward's escape. I'd prefer to be called a fool than a coward, but I do admit to fear more often than I should.

Now that you know why I was staring at raindrops. They were not matched by trails of tears on my cheeks, however. I haven't had any angst in the near future (at least at this time of my life) and I didn't intend on it then.

I stood up.

There were red lines across my arms where they had rested on the windowsill, and my face looked rather splattered. Mom hates it when I leave the window open, but I was in the way, so not much rain could get in anyway. Much. Sure, my bed was covered in a dewy dampness, however it wouldn't be for a few hours that I'd be going to bed. Usually it was dry by that point.

I was perfectly the picture of an innocent, harmless (unless you counted the evil, insane glint in my eyes) Terran female. Apart from the dark brown robes hanging askew over my shoulders, and the replica One Ring around my neck, the leather slippers, the sword belt...

All right, I admit. I didn't look normal whatsoever. Most people take me as a role-playing freak. I will swear here and now that I do not role-play, and I am not delusional. I am merely a harmless young maiden whose life was about to be changed dramatically in one step out of the door...

I should've known by the pounding theme music something was going on. I should've raised my eyes up for one moment, and read the captions that hovered over my head, pointing out emotions and bewilderment. I should've known--

But I didn't.

And as I stepped from my dimly lit bedroom, and away from the pounding noise of rain hitting vinyl siding of our perfectly normal house, things began to be put into motion...

I should've heard the ellipsis in the narrator's speech.
A not so long time ago, in a galaxy that wasn't exactly far away-- we discover that everything has a beginning, and that beginning usually involves somewhat paradoxal means. After all, the paradox does make any ending justification impossible, right...?

Name: Ti
Location: Canada

I've aged since this profile. I'm the evil genius behind Between Places, an online fantasy graphic novel (ei: a webcomic) rated PG-13 (http://betweenplaces.spiderforest.com). Feel free to check it out if you're into fantasy/sci-fi! and currently working for the paper and the hospital. My tastes in music have evolved.


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